Monday, 26 March 2012

mya's new haircut

mya's first official haircut, first time potong rambut kat salun pun last year masa balik raya tapi setakat trim fringe je, but yesterday dah chop chop sama itu curly bits...mama pulak yang sebak, dia relek je...budak2 ni kan, kalau mak dia yg potong elok je tak takut pun gunting tu kena mata ke apa geleng sana geleng sini tapi bila orang lain yg buat elok dia diam, mama suruh senyum baru la tak tense sangat muka tuh hihi...

 balik sekolah lapo nak terjah potato bread mama

terserlah kenotianmu haha

fuhh...lega kut bila dia dah rambut pendek ni...sebab dah panjang sangat and curly2 hujung tu memang kusut ya dia sangat marah kalau mama nak sikat sebab sakit, sudahnya ikat gitu2 je tak bersikat...masa holiday lagi la horror, gerammm je tengok rambut dia berselirat sana sini...

rambut panjang tu memang dari umur 4 bulan lepas akikah cukur jambul, so imagine la panjang dah sampai bon bon, dah sekolah ni elok sangat la trim sikit rambut tu kan.

tapi yang bestnye sebelum gunting siap call atuk, nek mun and nenek supiah bitau mintak izin, takut kang ada yang ralat rambut mya dah kontong hihi ;P

Sunday, 25 March 2012

di sebalik tabir ; percutian Eropah yang besar dan gemuk saya

my big fat Europe trip; behind the scene (kehkehkeh...'fat' la sangat kan?)

bercuti. joli holiday. siapa la yang tak suka dapat jalan-jalan kan? be it dekat atau jauh, dalam or luar negara hatta balik kampung halaman pun sure seronok. as long as dapat spend quality time with family harus gembira.

tapi kalau dah tamak nak sumbat sebanyak tempat in 8 days memang sampai satu tahap rasa nak termuntah. hahaha...nak muntah buat research, plan all the route, compare harga hotel, study google map... ini lah yang dikatakan 'bite off more than i can chew' makanya harus tercekik ;P

ahli rombongan, the kamal's and kamal's clan =)


sebab saya suri rumah terhormat presiden segala ajk di rumah maka tugas buat preparation for our big fat europe holiday kena la mem besar bam bam ni yang buat...segalanya bermula (ewah!) bila misi mempengaruhi my bro in law and hot mama kak iza untuk rembat tiket airasia murah, kena pulak fly bulan 3 tengah cuti sekolah...padahal membe baru je balik jalan2 uk ikut kitorang balik dari raya tahun lepas, ala ka iza...rembat je la pejam mata,later2 fikir cmne nak bayau murah tuuuu kata si polan bam bam tadi ngeh ngeh ngeh (gelak jahat)

tapi bak kata pujangga, langit tidak selalunya cerah. sekali sekala awan mendung berarak sebelum berlalu pergi. wah! ;P

kita punya la penat bersengkang mata (ini betul eh tak tipu, malam mya dah tidur baru boleh start buat homework) berbulan2 tup tup around early this year dengar rumours airasia nak cancel flight london, gugur kejap jantung gue...bila keluar official statement baru la lega, tarikh depa fly to uk memang sipi2 je. phew!

konon buat2 tekun recall pembelajaran atas talian dengan googleaje academy =P

dalam pada buat research after research after research and bookings after bookings ada jugak tersilap here and there, contoh tersilap book hotel. cisss!! padahal booking sama2 dengan hubby, sorg taip sorg baca no cc number, ada 4 mata pun boleh silap lagi huhu...boleh x tersilap klik bulan nak stay to januari 2012? and bila perasan tersilap tu dah nak februari dah pun miahahaha....

then tersilap tentatif pulak, salah baca flight info untuk orang yang nak balik msia nun. kitorg tersilap assume tarikh touch down msia tu tarikh berlepas. aje gila kalau terlepas flight, mana la nak carik tiket balik kampung woiii...then again, kena revise balik tiket2 train dengan flight london-aberdeen yang dah beli, hari pun makin berkurang satu hari.

tapi alhamdulillah tersedar all the mistakes tu awal2 kan, and maybe that's why the actual journey smooth aje kut ;)

kesimpulannya, bukak mata besor2 time nak klik2 buat booking...and check a few times lepas booking semua dah settle...ini tak, laki tengah pening depan laptop tanya cc number bini menguap nguap kebosanan adoii bila nak abes book ni...tapi jalan kau nak pulak kan?? ;P

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

safely arrived =)

alhamdulillah selamat sampai rumah petang semalam, orang malaysia pun dah selamat sampai landed and tengah berusaha menidurkan diri ikut timing msia hehe...seminggu ikut timing europe kan hadap la nak betulkan balik biological clock dalam kepala ;P

alhamdulillah jugak sepanjang perjalanan yang renyah2 tu tak ada apa2 masalah besar...ada la sesat2 sikit and badan rasa tak sedap tapi lumrah lah kan, dah bertukar cuaca bertukar tempat, new places new germs so ada la rasa selsema and batuk2 sikit...bila rasa cam lost and terbangak2 study peta alhamdulillah Tuhan permudahkan dan ada je orang yang offer long as takde apa2 musibah or 'malang' like flight delay or ada bencana alam pun dah syukur sangat sangat...

@Bernabeu Stadium, Madrid - travelling dan bercuti dengan si kenit yang dramatis memang sangat mencabar keimanan dan kesabaran -_-' 

kali ni sangat happy, after quite a disastrous holiday to Milan last year untuk cuti-cuti tahun 2012 sangat puas hati...puas membocorkan poket pun ye jugak haha rasain!! time kat Spain tu ok la harga dalam range mampu-milik and currency pun Euro tapi bila jejak kaki Switzerland kuangkuangkuang.....mintak extra fresh milk utk coffee pun nak kena bayau....dah kata pergi swiss kan siap sedia je lah fulusnya itu...memang dah set nak shopping buah tangan dgn belanja utk makan je sebab mahal yang amat! bayangkan sekali makan untuk 6 orang dalam RM400...tengah lapar beb masa tu malas nak convert, utk sedapkan hati i convert GBP je uols haha..belum kira tiket train ke sana sinun lagi tu...

@Flumserberg, Zurich - best wooo main sledge ni...haha orang Aberdeen tu macam la tak pernah jumpa snow, over kemain ;P

@Colmar, Alsace region, France - very pretty and cute little old town....sangat cantik dan romantik i likeeeee.....main cak cak ni idea Mya, sibuk aturkan orang suruh peluk masing2 punya 'house' =)

banyak benda nak share dan simpan buat kenangan di masa depan dalam blog ni, from planning and research for the holiday and a few tips (plus millions pics of course!)...nanti ada masa kita update satu2 okay...

as for now, Mya sangat happy dapat lepak2 kat rumah at last...every time masuk hotel, every time keluar train, every time masuk airport or every time tengok mama bukak tv kt bilik akan tanya; 'mama is this scotland? mama now we're in..?? mama is there my mr tumble? mammaaaaa...mana scotland mya niii..lambat laa....'

ye, dia sangat homesick. adesss..cmne la bila kena duduk msia ni mya oii...masak la mama kena bagi rasuah macam2 just to keep her happy...cik atie, kamu dah kawen masa tu ada ke masa nak bwk mya layan tutti frutti bagai? sob sob...

Monday, 12 March 2012

and we're off to...

13-15 Mac: singgah kejap berjemuran di Madrid

15-17 Mac: main ski di Zurich

17 -18 Mac: visiting the real 'Bukit Tinggi' aka Colmar, France

18-19 Mac: lepak2 di Basel before take off balik Edinburgh

the best part of percutian kali ni adalah disertai dengan my sis in law sekeluarga...wahhh seronoknya cuti ramai2...hopefully everything will go smoothly, dijauhkan masalah dan paling penting semua ahli rombongan sihat sejahtera...aminn....after all those hours slaving myself bersengkang mata buat research and planning tentatif the last thing i want is fell sick...penat woo nak study, ate dah nama pun backpackers harus la kan, kut kaya dah lama mak pakai ejen pelancongan noks.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

red velvet again

again?? demam red velvet melanda lagi...this is for my special guests, sekarang on the way from aberdeen airport weehooo...!! kesian mya, dari pagi tadi bangun ngigau2 nangis tanya abg adam sampai kan dah tertido menunggu dah nak ketuk pintu baru terlentok, haiyoh.

sebab yg empunya diri hot mama tu suka rvc and mi amor pun dah request since buat utk birthday mimi last week so hadap je la kan, cam xde kek lain je nak buat ;P

last week 'order' from Kak Suni for Mimi's birthday, entah pape dah paip roses baru ingat oh demmit nak tulis hepi besday daaa...dan sangat tak puas hati kalau buat cream cheese frosting jadi cair, terpaksa buat deko effect frosting cair nak cover malu -_-'

esok jalan2 ke kampung2 around Aberdeen, dan hari Selasa pengembaraan sebenar bermula! yeay! =D

Thursday, 8 March 2012

hey orang kampung ku!

wahhh seronoknyaaa....petang ni tayar katube org kampung nak bergolek dah, weeeee....

in other words, sila selesaikan mengemas rumah dan segala mak nenek makanan yang nak dimasak tu ye mama mya, sorok eh simpan toys bawah katil; checked! cuci duvet cases;checked! longgok barang holiday; checked!  nugget dgn karipap dah selamat berdau dalam freezer, hari ni kena siap bahan2 nak masak sume nanti nak berjalan sonang, then siap2 goreng ikan bilis dgn kacang tanah, and sapu cream cheese frosting kat red velvet, then cuci toilet, letak fresh flowers, malam keluar beli ayam ikan sayur sume, top up makanan mengunyah lagi banyak2 then cam banyak lagi je kan huhuhu....

and yet ada hati lagi nak keluar shopping last minute, alasan; mya takde jaket cantik and mama nak kasut flat baru ;P

adam and the hot mama, aunty so cannot wait for you guys!! (^o^)

oh ye, to my mum also yg on the same day today bercuti ke Korea...hamboih kemain lagi nenek Supiah, K-pop tu jangan main2 hehe...ingat mya nak fridge magnet ok, sila shopping sakan utk diri sendiri jgn sibuk beli utk org lain je (typical mak2 pergi rombongan kan?) selamat bercuti omak!! =D

mama's ramblings and her underweight peter rabbit

adoiii...amat lah tidak ada masa nak update blog.

banyak nak story mory sebenarnya....last week EVERYDAY lepas hantar mya berlari satu bandar shopping barang...serius penat beb, masa ada la dalam 2 jam, shopping list pulak neverending baik punyaa....kasut mama, baju mama/mya, snow suit mya, jaket mya, misc items like new underwear (ada jugak?), mama nak new jeans/pants, snow gloves and hat for mya, jaket papa, tupperware bodo pakai buang for pack lunch, extra puting for mya (ouch! slap on mama's face for mya still having her dummies until now), mya's in flight entertainment, bla bla.....

paling hebat ahad lepas, konon nak menjenguk carboot yang dah lama tak pergi...bad timing sungguh, sebab weather sangat sejukkkk, hujan dan kami dgn bijak dress code mmg dah spring habis...boku jari kaki den. dah la gerai tak banyak sangat hampes dan kesian dengan mya sebab kena bangun pagi...7.30 am dah kena kacau haha..then balik rumah sempat goreng mee hoon sementara papa siapkan keje kat ofis lepas tu sambung shopping city centre pulak sampai 4.30 pm...

aje gile mak bapak aku ni, orang ngantuk ni tau tak?? itu kata mya di dalam hati beliau ;P

very the penat ok, sebab ulang alik tempat yang sama 2-3 kali...all in all boleh la dikatakan kitorag tawaf bandar tu 2 pusingan, sebab kali ke-3 masuk kedai yang sama baru decide ok la beli snow suit ni je untuk mya sebab dah confirm tempat lain tak ada hehehe...

tu belum kira berapa kali detour papa nak decide beli jaket lagi tuh....malam collapse anak beranak...

eh jap, apa ke aku melalut ni senah...tajuk nak citer pasal mya yang underweight panjang sungguh penerangan kenapa saya tidak update blog haha..

last week ada appointment mya jumpa nurse, just borak2 je for 3 years old review sebab dia nak check perkembangan berat dengan tinggi...anak dara i kan petite orangnya, dalam kelas pun antara yang terkecil, tshirt nursey pun sangat lah besar even saiz seperti yang dijangka dia adalah underweight....

sebagai omak eh, harusla ada rasa sedikit terkesan dengan statement itu...i know its common for kids this age very the picky eater and definitely i am not alone but still....macam la kita tak berusaha cari idea nak suruh dia makan banyak kan...

i use to be the kind of mother yang sangat depressed gila bila tengok anak orang lain yg sama umur dah move to the next page....contoh kalau mya belum pandai pakai potty but her friends dah totally nappy-free rasa cam dang! loser nya aku sebagai emak..or kalau jumpa health visitor yang cakap no you are suppose to  do like this and that and bla bla bla...rasa down ok... get it?

but now over the time, i've learnt that its a total waste of time and energy to be sick worried about something  that out of my control...dah belajar to be more relax and cool...sebab bila stressed rasa frust dengan diri sendiri akan effect kepada mya jugak, that cheeky monkey dah pandai detect kalau mama tak happy...tengok mama melepek je akan cakap 'mama dont la headache ajeee...'

haha...mama poning palo ni sebab mya sepah2 toys tahu? ;P

after that visit i ask her teachers about her snack time...and having that short casual conversation is making me slightly relief actually, hehe rasa macam ok lega sket dapat share and definitely there is nothing to worry about...i know that it is just a phase, but hearing somebody mention the same thing is..pheww...

its world book day and mya dressed up as peter rabbit..memang dia suka buku peter rabbit pun and ini hasil pengaruh mama sebab kan nak easter so telinga rabbit bersepah, sonang kojo den tak yah pening2 cari costume ;P

diy carrot hanging n the stick as prop....dapat idea bila google 'peter rabbit costume' and nampak sorang budak ni pegang carrot gantung kat eh this is do-able nih hehe...excited dia merayau belakang rumah tolong cari ranting kayu, then duduk mengadap tengok mama gam kan pom2, bukan apa terfikir kut tercucuk anak orang dengan hujung ranting ni mampus den haha...tu yang dapat idea letak pom2 tu, tu la sapa suruh mya tak kemas pom2 kan dah jadi bahan...oh ye, carrot tu real punya ok...balik sekolah tengok ada kesan terpatah ke gigit tak tau la...tapi mya cakap my friend eat that haha ontah la labu kalau betul jangan sakit perut sudah la budak....

sebab dia adalah kecil molek, nak cari baju is a bit susah...most of her shirts is size 18-24 months...bayang kan la...kalau beli ikut umur memang la jadi jubah...tapi kalau beli ikut saiz kelebaran badan agak pendek la pulak..fening fening.....

gitu la bebelan saya ye kawan2 dengan permasalahan budak susah nak makan ni...ikut mood dia je, sometimes datang lapar dia elok je makan non stop...then the next day dah tak nak makan i guess betul la kan orang cakap biar je lapar nanti pandai la dia mintak...but the hardest thing is kalau dia mintak benda bukan2 like the whole day dah tak makan heavy macam rice or pasta then nak oreos/lollypops/crisps only..apa ke hal kan? tu la yg rasa mencabar sangat....tu dah masuk bab lain pulak what with the sugary intake and all...

fuuhhh...baru tau susah ke tak jadi mak to new mommies out there be prepared lah ye....everyday there's a new thing for you to learn, non stop i said to her teacher, its all new to me as this is my first child...fortunately cikgu cikgu mya semua ok, very welcomed to anything and tak kisah pun kalau ada apa2 soalan or nak discuss anything...

oh ye, kembali kepada intoduction melebar di atas, sibuk shopping adalah sebab next week nak pergi jolly holiday!! yeehaaaa....

paling best my sis in law pun join, esok jumaat bertolak from kl-london then sabtu sampai aberdeen...siapa sangka lepas ikut kitorang balik bulan 11 last year murah rezeki dapat datang lagi in march? alang2 dah sampai uk ni harusla bercuti ke eropah..wah gitu eropah kau haha macam baca gossip artis pergi bulan madu pulak rasa ;P

bila kira-kira total percutian 8 hari, and surprisingly (or is it pathetic?) i don't have a decent outfit to that amount...kalau ada pun nanti amik gamba sama la pulak baju yang pergi milan last year...alasan baekkk punya...see? memang jarang shopping tau uols, so last week sedap je swipe credit card sampai nak termuntah...sampai rasa bila nak habis shopping ni rindu la nak lepak kat rumah huhu...

memang betul2 shop till you drop 

cerita pasal planning and destinasi percutian till next entry yah? hasta la vista! =)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

what's cookin - Neapolitan Cake

ni kek yg buat for last Saturday, Kak Lola is moving (yet again!) utk kali yg keberapa entah dah tak ingat hihi...and hopefully this is the last time lah ye kak, insya Allah :) 

so she and the girls buat housewarming...ahkak apa lagi, harus la pilih kak pilih resepi yg berjela2 dlm bookmark tu....lega rasa bila list bookmark tu ada yg berjaya dah di cuba, one of resolution tahun baru tu.....haha...ibarat kalau korang beli buku resepi suka je nak kumpul2 tp masaknya lauk yg samaaaa je...pastu kalau cik abe perli nak muncung ;P

weols sampai a bit lambat, so everybody sume dah nak balik la selalu tu kita je yg org pertama sampai kan mya? kalau tuan rumah ckp start kul 2, pukul 1.59pm dah park keta dah hihi

mya yg saje je sbb tgk membe baik anisah demam dia pun down sekali la kunun...mama mama sibuk bergelak ketawa, abaikan my double semua baking membaking punya angkara, plus kasut jogging yg kopak. oops! :P

the cake, simple decorations...ingat nak try buat roses penuh satu kek tp cream tak cukup daaa...

kaler pink ke purplishan haha faham ke? ada ke patut kak lola ingat kek keladi bila i suruh dia teka huhu...
entah kenapa tekstur macam dense sangat, dah mcm brownies dah aku tengok hewhew...nak nak yg stroberi tuh, maybe sebab buat 2 days i advance then balut clingfilm simpan dlm fridge kut -_-'  

fortunately and surprisingly most of them suka kek yg dense (just my luck?), i thought most people suka kek spongy, kini baru ku memang dah set dlm kepala makan neapolitan eskrem? ;P

dig in girls!

kek adalah super tall, super skinny je tak haha calorie loaded of course! so mari kita terjah satu slice ramai-ramai meh...

tengok la tu, tuan-tuan rumah bertiga itu masak bubur lambuk sampai satu periuk bosa...umang aii boleh buat mandi kau. paling layan bila tabur bawang goreng dgn ikan masin hancur2 tuh, perghhh....

Neapolitan Cake
Source: Annie's Eat, adapt from Sweetapolita

For the chocolate cake:
¾ cup plus 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
6 tbsp. dark cocoa powder
1 tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
1 cup sugar
¼ cup vegetable or canola oil
1 large egg
½ cup black coffee
½ cup buttermilk
1½ tsp. vanilla extract

For the white cake:
2 large egg whites
1¾ cup all-purpose flour
1½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
1 cup sugar  ( i reduced to 3/4 cup)
8 tbsp. unsalted butter, at room temperature
¾ cup very cold water
½ tsp. vanilla extract
¼ tsp. almond extract (i omitted this)

For the strawberry cake:
1¼ cups plus 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour
1¼ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
1 cup sugar ( i reduced to 3/4 cup)
1½ oz. strawberry gelatin (i used half a pack of 90gm serbuk jeli strawberi)
8 tbsp. unsalted butter, at room temperature
2 large eggs
½ cup milk
1½ tsp. vanilla extract
¼ cup sweetened strawberry puree*

For the filling:
Easy vanilla buttercream or good quality strawberry jam

(i did not use this buttercream recipe though)
For the strawberry buttercream frosting:
1½ cups fresh strawberries (8 oz.), rinsed, hulled and coarsely chopped*
4 large egg whites
1¼ cups sugar
3 sticks (1½ cups) unsalted butter, at room temperature
*To make the strawberry puree, process partially thawed frozen strawberries with a bit of sugar in a blender or food processor until smooth.  If using sweetened frozen strawberries, no additional sugar is necessary.

To make the chocolate cake, butter and flour the edges of a 9-inch round pan, shaking out the excess flour.  Line the bottom with a round of parchment.  In a small bowl, combine the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt; whisk to blend and set aside.  In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the sugar, vegetable oil and egg.  Beat on medium speed until smooth, about 1-2 minutes.  With the mixer on low speed, blend in half of the dry ingredients, beating just until incorporated.  Blend in the coffee, buttermilk and vanilla just until smooth.  Beat in the remaining dry ingredients, mixing just until incorporated.
Preheat the oven to 350˚ F.  Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake, rotating halfway through, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 35 minutes.  Transfer to a wire rack and let cool in the pan for 20 minutes.  Run a knife around the edges, then turn the cake out onto the rack and let cool completely.

To make the white cake, butter and flour the edges of a 9-inch round pan, shaking out the excess flour.  Line the bottom with a round of parchment.  In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt; whisk to blend and set aside.  In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip the egg whites on medium speed until foamy.  Increase speed to medium high and continue to beat until stiff peaks form.  Transfer the egg whites to another bowl and set aside.  In the bowl of the electric mixer now fitted with the paddle attachment, combine the sugar and butter, and beat on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, 2-3 minutes.  With the mixer on low speed, beat in half of the dry ingredients just until incorporated.  Blend in the water, vanilla and almond extracts.  Beat in the remaining dry ingredients just until incorporated.  With a silicone spatula, stir in about a quarter of the egg whites to lighten the batter.  Gently fold in the remaining egg whites, until the batter is smooth and no streaks remain.
Preheat the oven to 350˚ F.  Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake, rotating halfway through, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 35 minutes.  Transfer to a wire rack and let cool in the pan for 20 minutes.  Run a knife around the edges, then turn the cake out onto the rack and let cool completely.

To make the strawberry cake, butter and flour the edges of a 9-inch round pan, shaking out the excess flour.  Line the bottom with a round of parchment.  In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt; whisk to blend and set aside.  Combine the sugar, strawberry gelatin and butter in the bowl of an electric mixer.  Beat on medium-high speed until light and fluffy, about 2-3 minutes.  Beat the eggs into the sugar mixture one at a time, mixing well after each addition.  With the mixer on low speed, add half of the dry ingredients to the batter and mix just until incorporated.  Blend in the milk and vanilla extract.  Add in the remaining dry ingredients, mixing just until incorporated.  Blend in the strawberry puree.
Preheat the oven to 350˚ F.  Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake, rotating halfway through, until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, about 35 minutes.  Transfer to a wire rack and let cool in the pan for 20 minutes.  Run a knife around the edges, then turn the cake out onto the rack and let cool completely.

To make the frosting, place the strawberries in a food processor or blender.  Puree until completely smooth.  Combine the egg whites and sugar in a heatproof bowl set over a pot of simmering water.  Heat, whisking frequently, until the mixture reaches 160° F and the sugar has dissolved.
Transfer the mixture to the bowl of a stand mixer** fitted with the whisk attachment.  Beat on medium-high speed until stiff peaks form and the mixture has cooled to room temperature, about 8 minutes.  (The bowl should be cool to the touch.)
Reduce the speed to medium and add the butter, 2 tablespoons at a time, adding more once each addition has been incorporated.  If the frosting looks soupy or curdled, continue to beat on medium-high speed until thick and smooth again, about 3-5 minutes more (or longer – don’t worry, it will come together!)  Blend in the strawberry puree until smooth and completely incorporated, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.

To assemble the cake, torte each of the cake layers horizontally into two thin halves.  Place one of the chocolate layers on a cake board or cake platter.  Top with a very thin layer of the vanilla buttercream or strawberry jam.  Place a layer of the strawberry cake on top.  Again, cover with a thin layer of vanilla buttercream or strawberry jam.  Top with a layer of the white cake.  Cover with a thin layer of the vanilla buttercream or strawberry jam.  Repeat the process with the remaining layers of chocolate and strawberry cake.  (For a taller cake, you can use the remaining layer of white cake.  Otherwise, you can wrap tightly and save for later use or discard.)  Frost the top and sides of the cake with the strawberry buttercream.  Transfer remaining buttercream to a pastry bag fitted with a decorative tip for detailing as desired.

muahahahaha...very sangat the long winded recipe ey? that's why la i was so malas nak translate...kalau tak faham sila tanya ok? fret not my friend, kalau nak cepat buat aje kek yg segera...kat kedai bakeri sekarang not bad jugak kek yg tepung dah siap ni, pilih aje flavour apa pastu layer2 la ikut kreativiti and selera masing2...tak gitu? resepi ni nampak je panjang but once dah plan and organize betul2 tak susah mana pun...

for my cake, ada letak strawberry buttercream forsting in between layers then salutkan dia dengan stabilized whipped cream...baru lah light2 gitu cam perasan makan aiskrim hehe...refer joe pastry for simple stabilized whipped cream recipe  =)

but as usual tak dapat nak rasa full slice pun,ada la sesuap dua tumpang orang punya piring.. sibuk makan bubur tabur ikan masin banyak...haha..lagipun sedar diri dah demok! ;P

( took me 2 days to complete this entry, copy n paste resepi je kut. erk. -_-' )