Monday, 3 May 2010

what's cookin - Strawberry Yogurt Muffin

tema main masak-masak kali ini adalah - strawberry. yes, puan wan mai, mostly because i'm sooo influenced by your cravings..hehe..takde la sangat terpengaruh dengan hot preggie mama yang kepingin makan strawberry, other reason is just because yogurt happens to be in my fridge nearly a week (untouched ya) and i know i won't be eating it because its plain. now, what the heck is plain yogurt doing there? haha...that's because yours truly semangat nak try buat ice cream yang pakai plain yogurt tapi tak buat-buat sampai ke sudah =P

the result - now this is what i called muffin! (ingat tak dulu masa sekolah menengah suka sangat beli kaset now that's what i call music ke hape ntah tajuk dia..)

love love love love it! fluffy and light yet moist....dah baper kali buat another muffin recipe tapi end result jadi macam cupcake...i tak suka tawww...kalau cupcake katakan cupcake, buat i terbayang-bayang je..and this is so much like bakery baked muffin...hoho....tengok consistency batter yang pekat and lumpy i dah happy senyum senyum yea yea jadi muffin bukan cupcake!

tengok tu betul kan i cakap memang fluffy!

Resepi adalah dari GreenOrganicMama who happens to try this lovely recipe from the printed recipe on the foil lid of the yogurt container. as for moi, i've use a combination of plain and strawberry yogurt in the recipe.

Happy Baking!


swit@kon said...

wow. this is really happening la Lin. memang muffin ko meletups. cantik, gebu, naik dan macam2 lah. huhu.

aku nak baking!!!

mamamya said...

iya muffin ni mmg sedap =)

kalau aku ckp gebu mmg gebu and sedap la maknanya...tau je la i ni kan mmg suka makan benda gini

Mursapap said...

Hantar 2 tong strawberries and cherries please kat saya satu.


mamamya said...

hehe..sekarang stroberi baru nk baru nak manis kalau x tu masammm manjang...